.. _README: ================================ Updating the `OSD Neo2` Website ================================ This branch contains the website for `OSD Neo2`__ . The website is build using `GitLab Pages`__ and lives at https://htgoebel.gitlab.io/OSD-Neo2/ __ https://gitlab.com/htgoebel/OSD-Neo2 __ https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/project/pages/index.html Basic Workflow --------------------- :: pip install sphinx # checkout branch `website` in sub-directory `website` git worktree add website website cd website … hack, hack, hack make html xdg-open _build/html/index.html … when finished:: git commit … git push How it works --------------------- We are using GitLab Pages for serving our static web-site, which are far more flexible than Github is. The HTML files are generated using `Sphinx `_. The new pages are build automatically by Gitlab's CI/CD system as soon as you push this branch to Gitlab. The build-instructions are defined in ``.glitlab-ci.yml``. .. Emacs config: Local Variables: mode: rst ispell-local-dictionary: "american" End: